

Who is the Messiah?

Jewish sources have not, as a general rule, focused attention on the specific personal qualities of the Messiah.

Regina Jonas

How one of the first female rabbis was almost forgotten.

Lilith Magazine

Giving Jewish women a voice.

Parashat Pinchas Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Haftarah for Pinchas

The prophet Elijah is so zealous for God, he loses his job.

Haftarah for Parashat Matot

The first haftarah of oppression (for Parashat Matot or Parashat Pinhas), and the haftarah read by Sephardim for Parashat Shemot.

Serah, Daughter of Asher

How the Midrash interprets Serah's role in Israelite history.

The American Revolution and the Jews

While some Jews fought, others suffered at the hands of the British.

Dear Abby and Ann Landers

Today in Jewish History: July 4, 1918

Haftarah for Balak

God tells the people of Israel what He really wants.
