

Haftarah for Korach

Having a king won't necessarily make life easier for the 12 tribes of Israel.

Em: Female Personality in the Babylonian Talmud

This fourth century woman from the Babylonian Talmud gave halakhic and medical advice.

Jewish Women and Suburbanization

A close look at the role of women and girls in the early American suburbs.

Susan Sontag

This poet, author, and modernist emphasizes the role of interpretation in understanding art.


The role of the wife of Rabbi Nahman in the Babylonian Talmud.

Judy Blume

How a critically acclaimed author has been a victim of censorship.

Joan Rivers

How a first generation Jewish American became an entertainment legend.

Fanny Brice

Few Jewish comedians have made such a significant contribution to both Jewish humor and popular culture as this daughter of saloon-owning immigrants.

Hagar and Ishmael

An example of ancient surrogate motherhood and the biblical destiny of the child.
