

The Damascus Blood Libel & the Mortara Affair

When anti-Semitism struck in Damascus and Italy the Jewish community was galvanized and unified.

The Levy-Franks Family

The Levy-Franks family struggled with the ever-present challenge of maining a strong Jewish identity in a secular society.

Fending Off the Missionaries

A group of Protestant clergymen decided their new mission would be to convert European Jews and settling them in a rural agricultural community.

America’s First Consul to Jerusalem

Warder Cresson's journey to Jerusalem, and to Judaism, took a convoluted path.

Don Solomono, Jewish Indian Chief

Solomon Bibo won the trust of the Acoma Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, and in 1888 he became governor of the Acoma Pueblo.

A Martyr to His Faith

In 1647, the Portuguese Inquisition in Brazil compelled Isaac de Castro to choose between his Judaism and being burned alive. De Castro courageously chose his faith and martyrdom.

John Adams and the Jews

John Adams expressed Zionist sympathies, and his respect for ancient Jewry.

Shmita and Climate Change

If we ignore God's will that we care for the earth now, we risk losing everything in the future.

Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte

On April 11, 1649, Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte was burned at the stake in Mexico City, a victim of the Inquisition. His crime: practicing the rites and ceremonies of the

Kosher Meat Boycott of 1902

Jewish homemakers mobilized the women of the Lower East Side to protest the increasing meat prices.
