

Haftarah for Sh’lach

Two spies tour Jericho.

Science and the Talmud

The Talmudic approach to the sciences, from astronomy to botany.

Shavuot in Medieval Times

Historical events and the development of mysticism leave their mark on this festival.

The Akedah and Self-Sacrifice

God wants us to give of ourselves.

Holiness (Kedushah)

The Torah exhorts the Israelites to be holy and tells them how to do so.

Ask the Expert: Animal Experiments

Can we cause an animal to suffer to save a human life?

Teaching Judaism at CCNY

A new introduction to Judaism.

Biodiversity is God’s Glory

The Bible portrays 'the earth and the fullness thereof' as the stuff of the divine presence. Diminishing biodiversity, then, diminishes God's glory.

Copyright Protection in Jewish Law

In recent centuries, Jewish law has developed tools for regulating the rights to intellectual property.

Haftarah for Behar

Jeremiah purchases a field in Anathoth.
