Kabbalah and Mysticism
Why Kabbalah Is Considered Dangerous
The potential for misuse and mental trauma led to restrictions on who could study Jewish mysticism.
Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation
This ancient mystical text introduced many concepts that would be more fully developed by the tradition of Kabbalah.
Running and Returning
The maze-like path of the labyrinth, leading in and out of a sacred center, echoes an ancient kabbalistic idea.
Chabad Messianism
Messianism in Chabad-Lubavitch challenges Jews of all denominations to consider the limits of Jewish theology.
Who Was Rav Nachman of Breslov?
Famous for his sayings, stories and charisma, this Hasidic leader inspired a movement that is still vibrant today.
The Theology of Chabad
The problem of divine withdrawal inspires an alternate view of the universe.
Abraham Abulafia & Ecstatic Kabbalah
One strand of medieval kabbalah focused on achieving a transformative mystical experience.