Kabbalah and Mysticism
Reinterpreting Mysticism and Messianism
Yehuda Liebes has revolutionized our understanding of the Zohar and underscored the relationship between kabbalah and Christianity.
Jewish Mysticism’s Origins
Origins of Jewish Mysticism. Kabbalah and Mysticism. Jewish Spirituality and the Divine World. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.
Kabbalah and Hasidism
The Hasidic movement of the 18th century embraced the mystical texts from an earlier era.
Mysticism in Modern Times
Modern Jewish Mysticism. Kabbalah and Mysticism. Jewish Spirituality and the Divine World. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.
The Revival of Jewish Mysticism: Causes and Concerns
The renewed interest in Jewish mysticism can partially be attributed to a renewed interest in non-traditional spirituality.
Jewish Mysticism Renewed
In the last three decades, Jewish mysticism has gone from an underground discipline to a mass phenomenon.
The Mystics of Safed
Joseph Caro and Moses Cordovero, icons of Safed mysticism, elaborated on the teachings of the Zohar.
Creation Mysticism: Fashioning the World From Letters
An early group of Jewish mystics conceived of the Hebrew alphabet as the building blocks of creation.
Why Hebrew is of Central Importance in Judaism
Hebrew is the sacred language of Jewish scripture and prayer and also the language of the modern Jewish state.