How Can I Pray If I Don’t Believe The Words?
Prayer is not a statement of belief, but a literary creation -- with all the power, nuance and complexity of literary creations.
The Power of Minyan
How praying daily with ten strangers helped me recover after my wife's miscarriage.
Are There Special Synagogue Services During Hanukkah?
The Festival of Lights is primarily observed in the home, but there are a few ways the holiday is marked in synagogue.
How to Pray Through Infertility
Jewish tradition is no stranger to infertility, but it is only recently that liturgical responses to this struggle have emerged.
How to Pray for Happiness
The prayer Eilu Devarim reflects the seeming paradox that focusing on others more than ourselves makes us happier.
Three Reasons to Study Torah
As much as Jews need Torah, the Torah needs Jews to keep it fresh and vital.
Min Ha-meitzar: Calling to God From the Depths
From the constriction of our places of pain, Psalm 118 invites us into the wide expanse of the divine presence.
Al Hanisim: Remembering Our Partnership in God’s Miracles
Both the holidays when this prayer is recited are marked by courageous human action in making space for the miraculous.
Al Hanisim: A Holiday Prayer of Thanks for Everyday Miracles
Why does the prayer recited on Hanukkah fail to make any mention of the holiday's central miracle?
Psalm 150: Praising God, Loudly
The final chapter of the Book of Psalms calls for a symphony of horns, drums, lyres and more.