

How to Handle Troubling Jewish Texts

Many of the injunctions in the Torah appear immoral from a human perspective.

Creating the Jewish Canon

The 24 books that make up with the Jewish Bible evolved over time in a process that reveals what the ancient rabbis considered authoritative -- and what they didn't.

Did God Write the Torah — and Does it Matter?

For many Jews, the Torah's authority does not derive from being a divine document.

My Security Blanket Tallis

The prayer shawl I chose and loved followed me everywhere -- and then I buried my father in it.

Why Study Torah?

The tradition of Torah study has built up a tradition of questioning and clarifying which is simply an incomparably rich skill to cultivate.

The Origin of the Shehechiyanu Blessing

The Shehechiyanu is a blessing that expresses gratitude for new, or special, experiences.

Nehama Leibowitz: The Paradigm of a Torah Teacher

A woman who gained accomplished rabbis as her students, Leibowitz is considered among the great Torah scholars of the 20th century.

Forgiveness Is Not Always a Virtue

Taking the side of the oppressed can mean withholding forgiveness from the oppressor.

When a Congregation Makes You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In

On forgiving (or not) a spiritual community that has judged you unfairly.  

Ata Chonen: A Prayer for Wisdom

If we lack powers of wisdom and discernment, no other request of God really matters.
