The Shofar Blasts
The ram's horn is blown on the High Holidays in three specific ways.
The Art of Teshuvah
The Jewish practice of repentance involves not merely turning away from sin, but turning toward the dark parts of ourselves.
Excerpt: Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska (1925)
Anzia Yezierska's book explores the early 20th-century immigrant experience, and women's place in it.
Anzia Yezierska’s “Bread Givers:” A Lens on the Beehive of the Lower East Side
In "Bread Givers," her 1925 novel, Anzia Yezierska explored a world of pushcarts and tenements.
Hineni: A Prayer for the Ability to Pray
This meditation traditionally recited by the cantor on the High Holidays is unique for being worded in the first-person singular.
Text of Avinu Malkeinu
This series of petitions addressed to "Our Father, Our King," is recited on Yom Kippur and other fast days.
Text of Tashlich
This prayer is traditionally recited on Rosh Hashanah by a flowing body of water.
Text of Yom Kippur Viddui
This prayer of confession is repeated multiple times throughout the Day of Atonement
Text of Kol Nidrei
The evening service opening the Day of Atonement is one of the most emotionally intense of all Jewish prayers.
The Amidah: Standing Still to Receive God’s Blessings
The centerpiece of Jewish prayer, recited quietly three times each day, is the meeting place of our human yearnings with God's life-giving energy.