

V’shamru: Guarding the Divine Convenant

This Shabbat prayer is a reminder that the Sabbath is a sign of the enduring covenant between God and the Jewish people.

Love Lessons from Lecha Dodi

The mystical poem sung during Kabbalat Shabbat services is a model for our relationship with God -- and with each other.

Mah Tovu: A Reminder of the Jewish Mission

The prophet Isaiah's vision of Israel as a light unto the nations is reflected in this essential Jewish prayer.

How to Experience Shabbat as Redemption

The sea of Sabbath rules and restrictions can be overwhelming. Here's how to experience them as joy and freedom.

Text of Elohai Netzor

This meditation recited at the close of the Amidah comes from the Talmud.

Elohai Netzor: The Gift of Spaciousness in Prayer

This additional paragraph recited at the conclusion of the Amidah was one of a number of personal meditations the ancient rabbis would recite.

A Prayer for the Planet

Instead of assuming that humans can fix every problem, the prayer humbly asks God to bless creation again.

Ashrei: The Connection Between Trust and Happiness

A curious feature of the poetry of this prayer hints at a key component of the quest for happiness.

The Kabbalistic Secret of Kissing

What the Zohar teaches about love-making and the coming of the messiah.

How to Experience God in Your Body

Jewish wisdom isn't just meant to be intellectually understood, but embodied. Here's how.
