

Finding God Through the Body

All of Jewish practice is a response to the fact that we are spiritual beings housed for a limited time in physical bodies.

How to Have Mindful Sex

The secret is not to scratch the itch of desire as soon as it arises.

What is Jewish Spirituality?

What matters in Jewish spiritual practice is less the experience itself than what we do with it.

Ecclesiastes and the Quest for Truth

Approaching this enigmatic work as a statement of philosophy -- rather than an account of one man's search -- has confounded commentators across the centuries.

El Adon: Finding God in the Shifting Light

This meditation recited on Shabbat morning is the response of a poetic soul to the daily rising of the sun.

Kohelet: Torah for the 21st Century

The Book of Ecclesiastes may be the section of the Hebrew Bible most relevant to the way we experience the world today.

Where to Stream Rosh Hashanah Services for Free

Where to find a free online service for the Jewish new year.

Modeh Ani: It’s Not Just About Gratitude

The first prayer traditionally recited upon awakening in the morning is commonly translated as "I thank you," but that's not all it means.

Ahavat Olam and Ahavah Rabbah: How God Shows Us Love

God does not show us love through indulgence or simple tenets of faith, but by illuminating the way to a holy life.

What Do Shabbat Candles Have to Do With Eve’s Sin?

According to the Midrash, the lighting of Sabbath candles is a symbolic rectification for Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden. Why?
