

Ask the Expert: Is It OK to Wear a Tallit Outside of Morning Services?

Is the Jewish prayer shawl reserved only for times of prayer?

Why You Should Stop Skipping Korbanot

This often ignored section of the morning prayers aims to remind us that there is holy work to be done -- and we are the only ones who can do it.

Intimacy, Awe, and the Binding Thread of Love

The two blessings recited prior to the Shema illustrate a fundamental duality in how Jewish spirituality relates to God.

Why Tisha B’Av is Not Really About Mourning

The practices associated with this holiday are closer to the experience of being a refugee than to being a mourner.

By the Rivers of Babylon We Remember Zion

This famous psalm is read on the eve of Tisha B'Av and sets the tone for an emotionally challenging holiday.

When Prayer Fails Us

Tisha B'Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, is testament to the failure of prayer to avert national catastrophe.

Six Arguments for Jewish Peoplehood

A sense of collective identity among a group as diverse as the Jewish people isn't easy to come by, but the notion may still be worth holding on to.

Psalm 90: Counting Our Days Rightly

The capacity to resist the injustice of the world is present with us every day.

How to Acquire the Right Mental State for Prayer

The pursuit of proper kavanah, the Hebrew term for directed attention, has long concerned Jewish thinkers.

Golel Ohr: The Interdependence of Light and Dark

Our praise of God for rolling away the darkness from the light is a statement of faith that while certain times may be hard, they are never eternal.
