Parshat Hashavua


Parashat Behar: Summary

God tells Moses to instruct the people in the laws of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, as well as how to relate to those in the community who become impoverished.

Parashat Kedoshim: Summary

God tells Moses to give the people a series of ethical and ritual laws instructing them in how to be holy.

Caring For Dead Loved Ones

Despite their focus on life, priests are permitted to attend to their closest relatives in death.

Parashat Emor: Summary

God gives Moses a series of laws specific to the priests; God then instructs Moses to tell the people about the festivals in addition to laws of blasphemy and murder.

Unifying Towards Redemption

We can achieve redemption only when striving for unity, holiness, and justice.

Science Vs. Sabbath?

The environmental destruction intended as a punishment for failing to observe the sabbatical year raises contemporary questions of how to prevent environmental devastation.

This Land Is God’s Land

The prohibition against worshiping idols includes falsely attributing to ourselves power over land.

Stubbornness And Chance

Two interpretations of a word illustrate different understandings of punishments listed in Parashat Bechukotai.

Sowing Seeds Of Redemption

The Jubilee year encourages us to take time to appreciate our labors and the role God plays in our lives.

Masters Of Servitude

The laws of the Sabbatical year inspire us to sanctify space, time, and our behaviors towards each other.
