Parshat Hashavua
Preparing For Exile
Joseph used his position of rulership to help his brothers develop coping skills for their upcoming exile.
Don’t Just Stand There — Do Something!
Fear paralyzes us, rendering us incapable of addressing our most pressing problems.
Feeling Another’s Pain
As God promises to accompany Jacob into exile, we learn that sometimes the challenge of being fully present and sharing in someone's pain is greater than relieving their suffering.
The Deeper Meaning Of A Name
In naming his sons, Joseph communicates his thoughts on living in Egypt, alone and distant from his family.
Achievement And Action
Joseph teaches us to use our material success in the service of those who are needy.
Benevolent Dictatorship or Righteous Balance?
Joseph's actions in dealing with the famine challenge us to strive for a delicate balance of power and compassion.
Seeing The Bigger Picture
Joseph reminds us that our perspective of reality is limited compared to the ultimate meaning that God perceives.
Exile–The Absence Of Jewish Context
The descent into Egypt and Jacob's death left his family in an alien culture, forced to find a context for their traditions within themselves.
All In The Family
Jacob's decision to bless each of his sons individually highlights the need to balance unity with diversity.
Summary of Parashat Vayera
Isaac's birth, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the exile of Hagar and the ultimate sacrifice.