Parshat Hashavua
Parashat Korach: Summary
Korach and his followers rebel against Moses' and Aaron's leadership and are killed; God instructs Aaron regarding laws of the priesthood.
Parashat Chukat: Summary
God instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the red heifer; Miriam dies; Moses hits a rock to bring forth water rather than speaking to it; Aaron dies.
The Stability of the Priestly Blessing
The priestly blessing with which parents bless their children on Shabbat gives parents an opportunity to partner with God in shaping Jewish history and ensuring continuity.
Punishment To Fit The Crime And The Confession
The biblical approach stands in sharp contrast to American federal sentencing guidelines.
Craving Perspective
The closer we are to God, the more we are able to put our cravings into perspective.
Pure And Unadulterated, Sotah And Rabbi Meir
A midrash on the Sotah ritual emphasizes the lengths to which we go to bring peace between spouses.
Eichah: Where Are We Now?
We should respond to major historical events and to personal decisions with the question, "Where are we morally?"
Trying To Remember The Reason I Forgot
Being constantly engaged in learning allows us to guard against the pervasive forgetfulness around us.
Parashat Nasso: Summary
God describes the service of the Gershon family of Levites; laws relating to the suspected adulteress and the nazirite are given; God tells Moses and Aaron the priestly blessing; the heads of tribes bring gifts to the Tabernacle.
Leaving Childhood Behind
The specific complaints of the Israelites in the wilderness illustrate their inability to develop mature, adult relationships.