

How is This Haggadah Different?

Over the centuries, thousands of versions and editions of the Passover text have been published.

Passover (Pesach) 101

What you need to know about the festival of freedom.

The Passover (Pesach) Seder

The most celebrated and beloved of Jewish home rituals.

10 Tips for Planning a Memorable Seder

The seder need not — should not — stick to the script. Innovation is key for a memorable and fun educational experience.

Why The Exodus Was So Significant

The impact of Judaism's transformative event is felt by the other monotheistic religions.

Passover (Pesach) Themes and Theology

This holiday is all about redemption.

Checklist: Setting the Seder Table

Before launching into your seder, make sure you have everything you'll need.

What Is Matzah?

Unleavened bread is the central Passover symbol.

Making Utensils Passover-Ready

There are additional requirements for making sure Passover utensils are kosher.
