

Liberating Ourselves from Narrowness

Passover teaches that is possible to free ourselves from the pressures of modern society.

Matzah Brei

A recipe for a popular Passover breakfast treat.


A recipe for a Passover fruit dessert, side dish, or topping

Ashkenazi Haroset

A recipe for the fruit-and-nut mortar of the seder plate.


A recipe for traditional cold beet soup

Passover Lemon Roll (Pareve)

A kosher for Passover dessert recipe

Potato Kugel (Pareve)

A kosher-for-Passover potato casserole that is also a Shabbat and holiday favorite!

Recipe for Matzah Balls

Great for Passover and all year round!

Passover (Pesach) In the Community

Although the central ritual of this festival is the home seder, there are a number of rituals that are observed within the wider community.
