Why Do Jews Pray in the Plural?
Jewish liturgy is almost always written in the plural form. Here's why.
Praying for a Rebuilt and Redeemed Jerusalem
The 14th and 15th blessings of the Amidah pose some difficult theological questions.
Counting the Solitude
Modelled on the Jewish practice of counting the Omer, this prayer is for those counting their days in quarantine or lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic.
Spiritual Well-Being in Times of Crisis
Seven "postures for the spirit" to cultivate peace in difficult moments.
Beginning the Amidah by Connecting to Our Ancestors
The opening to the Amidah prayer shifts the perspective from personal needs to the long arc of Jewish history.
A Prayer for the Planet
Instead of assuming that humans can fix every problem, the prayer humbly asks God to bless creation again.
Complete Text of Yigdal
The famous thirteen articles of Jewish faith, sung in many congregations at the close of Shabbat services, in Hebrew, transliteration, and English translation.
How to Talk to God
The Hasidic prayer practice of hitbodedut — talking to God freely in one's native tongue — helps to build intimacy over time.
V’chol Ma’amimim: Speaking Order into Chaos
From the depths of uncertainty, this High Holiday prayer invites us to call out the steadfast faith we wish we felt.
How to Remain True to God — And Each Other
The morning blessing Yotzer Or teaches something fundamental about the Jewish conception of God, and the key to successful human relationships.