

By the Rivers of Babylon We Remember Zion

This famous psalm is read on the eve of Tisha B'Av and sets the tone for an emotionally challenging holiday.

When Prayer Fails Us

Tisha B'Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, is testament to the failure of prayer to avert national catastrophe.

How to Say Yigdal

This hymn, based on Maimonides' 13 principles of faith, is often sung at the conclusion of Friday night services.

How to Say the Blessing Over the Tallit

This benediction is recited as one dons a prayer shawl in preparation for prayer.

How to Say the Blessing Over Shabbat Candles

This blessing is recited after the lighting of candles on Friday night.

God And Metaphor

Believers and skeptics alike tend to view God similarly -- as big, all-powerful, and good. But there are other options.

When the Words of Prayer Ring Hollow

Many Jews find it hard to speak words in prayer that feel untrue. Two Jewish values hint at another way.

Praying For the Miracle of Israel

Multiple version of the Al Hanisim prayer have been composed to thank God for Israel, each emphasizing different aspects of the Jewish state's creation.

Tefillat Tal: Cultivating a Mindset of Sufficiency

In praying for something as fleeting and nearly invisible as dew, this Passover prayer honors the transition from abundance to enough-ness.

Birkot Hashachar: Giving Thanks Each Morning

This series of blessings are a beautiful expression of gratitude for the opportunity of experiencing another day.
