

Modeh Ani: Beginning the Day with Gratitude

Starting the day with gratefulness opens the heart to the blessing of wonder.

Nine Jewish Blessings for Extraordinary Moments

Most Jewish prayers are recited at regular intervals or on specific occasions, but a few are said in circumstances that are anything but routine.

Top 15 Pop Culture Jewish Prayer Moments

From Gene Wilder to Larry David, we round up our favorite examples of Jewish prayers in music, film and TV.

Prayer Before Facing a Race

A contemporary prayer for someone preparing for a race or marathon

Kabbalat Shabbat

What happens during the Friday night prayer service.

Personal Prayer

A Jewish woman prays from the heart.

Common Prayer Words

50 of the most frequent Hebrew words that appear in the siddur.

Ask the Expert: Covering Your Eyes for the Shema

This custom has its origins in the Talmud.

Women’s Tefillah Movement

How Orthodox women found a halakhic way to be involved in services.


How she waited and prayed patiently for a child and was rewarded.
