Rabbi Louis Jacobs


Jewish Ecstasy

Accounts of intense encounters with God rare in Judaism.

Dov Baer of Mezhirech

This Hasidic thinker believed man should constantly be aware of God.


Hasidic idea of being attached or cleaving to God.

Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler

Scholar in the Musar movement inspired Ponivezh Yeshivah.

The Angel of Death

This concept is a creation of rabbinic literature.

Hermann Cohen

Neo-Kantianisne philosopher also stressed ethical monotheism.

Censored and Banned Jewish Books

Both internal and external books have been banned from Judaism throughout history.

Blasphemy in Judaism

While the offense was once punishable by death, Jews do not enforce the rules anymore.

What Is A Ba’al Teshuvah?

Once a name for sinners who repented, ba'al teshuvah now describes a Jew who returns to Orthodoxy — or becomes Orthodox for the first time.

Do Jews Celebrate Birthdays?

While Jewish tradition does not make a big deal of birthdays, there is no problem with celebrating them.
