God’s Presence and Absence
Visiting with those in dire need, God's presence never felt more present — or absent.
A Place for the Primal
The mythic and the magical has its place in the sanctuary of the holy.
Giving Voice
Countless moments in the Bible demonstrate the raw power of voice, divine and human, to heal or destroy.
Psalm 22, Queen Esther and Us
The rabbis teach that Esther drew upon the words of Psalm 22 as she bravely went before King Achashverosh in an effort to save the Jews of ancient Persia.
The Soul of the Stranger
The commandment not to oppress the stranger can refer to war refugees, for whom the Torah demands intense compassion.
Coming Down to Earth
Instead of looking up to the heavens for holiness, what if instead we looked to the earth beneath our feet?
Tu Bishvat and the Repudiation of Cynicism
The Jewish new year for trees is the rare time where we celebrate potential — not product.
Exodus: The Iron Cage of Power
A Hasidic teaching suggests that power, rather than bringing about liberation, achieves just the opposite.
Move Fast And Break Things
When we move too quickly or take big steps, we run the risk of losing our way.