

True Righteousness

A Holocaust rescue story sheds light on a curious verse from the Prophets.

For Argument’s Sake

Jewish tradition teaches that appropriate arguments are conducted for the sake of Heaven.

My Darfur Tallit

A prayer shawl purchased in an African refugee camp is a reminder of those at the fringes that compel our moral responsibility.

Thoughts on Prayers

In the face of tragedy, is there a place for thoughts and prayers?

We Will Hear and We Will Do

Is it better to act out of volition or obligation?

From the Outside, In

The more people we have at the table, the more likely we are to discover wisdom.

You Can Go Home Again

The mitzvah of the Jubilee year is a chance to begin again.

Wrestling With the Rough Stuff

Leaning into the hard parts of Jewish tradition.

The Magic Eye

Most of us spend our lives searching for God's presence in the world, hoping to catch a glimpse.

Moments of Oasis

Where can we today find respite as the ancient Hebrew did at the springs of Elim?
