The Medicine of the Mythic
The period of mourning leading up to Tisha B'Av brings us into a space where the pain of the past can be touched — and transformed.
Motivated By Love
Sometimes right and wrong look so similar it's nearly impossible to distinguish between them.
The Well of Grief
When a community comes together to dig the well of grief, streams of life-giving water can flow from the depths
Sharing the Burden
When the stakes are high, and crisis is imminent, we do not put all of the responsibility on a single charismatic leader.
The Divine in Your Words
How do we hold conflict now so we can still be family in the future?
Things Fall Apart
With some exceptions, the Jewish people have always been beset by external conflict and inner turmoil.
Find a Rabbi
Jewish weddings don't require a rabbi. But here's why it's a good idea anyway.
Hope and Curses
The curses listed at the end of the Book of Leviticus are less a warning than an empowering message that the past need not be repeated.
To Catch a Thief
The record of an ancient theft clues us in to the obscured role of Jewish priestesses.