Altering the Mind to See More Clearly
What Jewish mysticism can teach us about psychedelics.
Hearing Amidst the Storm
Revelation doesn’t happen in a moment of calm, but amidst chaos and fear.
Our Tender Yearning Heart
We haven’t yet awoken to the part of us that, through calamity and catastrophe, remains open and ever full of love.
A Heart of Flesh
When images of horror flash across our screens hourly, how many generations will it take to heal?
The Ancestors Echoing Within Us
As Jews, we carry within us residues of traumas we may ourselves have never experienced.
On Hanukkah and War
Jewish tradition is deeply torn, and even contradictory, in its thinking about war.
The Two Miracles of Hanukkah
Ancient scriptures tell two very different stories about why we celebrate the Festival of Lights.
Struggling With Our Shadow
At this moment of intensifying violence, the Torah offers an insight into how we might open a path towards peace.
Reconcilable Truths
It is possible to hold both the deep pain of this moment and a sense of gratitude for the blessings that surround us.
Seeing in the Dark
Could it be that in our yearning for light, we fail to recognize the gifts of darkness?