

Do First, Understand Later

The Jews accepted the Torah with the statement "naaseh v'nishma" -- we will do and we will hear.

Redemption Comes at Sinai

Passover and Shavuot are part of one spiritual journey.

What Is Lag Ba’omer?

This minor holiday — known for bonfires, weddings and haircuts — takes place about a month after Passover.

Whatever Happened to the Ten Commandments?

Why this central part of the Torah is not in our daily liturgy.

Celebrating Submission

Shavuot has no specific rituals because it is all about receiving God's Torah.

The Story of the Book of Ruth

An analysis of the book read on Shavuot.

Why Some Holidays Last Longer Outside Israel

Israelis and liberal Jews observe fewer days for some holidays than traditional Diaspora Jews.

Feminine Aspects of the Omer

In mystical terms, this is a period of time leading to the unification of the male and female aspects of the Divine.

Ruth and Lovingkindness

Rabbinic tradition sees her as a virtuous woman who is rewarded for her behavior.
