

Mishnah and Tosefta

These two texts both shaped Rabbinic Judaism. But which came first?

Maimonides on Seder Zeraim

The sequence of the tractates in the Order

Science and the Talmud

The Talmudic approach to the sciences, from astronomy to botany.

What Is the Talmud?

An intergenerational rabbinic conversation that is studied, not read.

Beruriah of Palestine

A scholar in her own right.

Rabbi Yose

Early teacher of Jewish law and theology.

The Tosefta

An 'addition' to the Mishnah--or something else?

Who Were the Tannaim and Amoraim?

The great sages of the Mishnah and Talmud.

Rav and Samuel

Early Amoraim engaged in respectful debate.

Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi

The editor of the Mishnah is one of the most significant figures in rabbinic Judaism.
