tisha b'av


Shabbat Hazon & Shabbat Nahamu

The Sabbaths before and after Tisha B'Av provide a message of comfort and consolation.

Tisha B’Av Rituals and Practices

Mourning the destruction of both temples, as well as a number of other Jewish tragedies.

A Day of Disaster

Many calamitous events are said to have occurred on Tisha B'Av.

Western Wall

This remnant of the Second Temple is an important symbol in Judaism.

Tisha B’Av History

The tragic events commemorated on this day of fasting and mourning.

Grief & Opportunity

The mourning associated with Tisha B'Av is also a call to action.

The Western Wall Today

The sole remnant of the ancient Temple plays a role in observing festivals in modern times.

Destruction As Punishment

Tradition gives a separate reason for the fall of each Temple.

A Communal Mourning

On Tisha B'Av, re-enacting the sorrow felt by those who survived the destruction of the Temple

The Book of Lamentations

This special reading for Tisha B'Av sets the tone for this tragic and mournful day
