Torah portion


Wasteful Destruction

Judaism possesses the values on which an ecological morality may be grounded.

Hear and Act

Primo Levi's poem gives us new insights into the Shema.

Guard Yourselves Very Well

The Torah requires us to eat and live healthfully and responsibly.

Belonging To the Land

An obligation of responsibility for this generation and the next.

How the Israelite Nation was Raised

Were they masters of their own destiny?

Heroic or Sinful?

Zealous acts are not always heroic.

No and Maybe

We cannot slip into loopholes and forego responsibility.

Living in Balance

What accounts for the negative correlation between material excess and awareness of the Divine?

Sustenance from the Source

City living can cause social fragmentation and environmental degradation.

The Nature of Balaam’s Prophecy

How to learn from biblical nature imagery.
