Torah portion
Journeying with the Divine
Every step of the Israelites' journey is framed in relation with God.
Land Distribution — Then and Now
As Jews, we must express our religious imperative to ensure equal access to land.
Balaam Versus Pinchas
Pinchas saw the relationship of an Israelite and a Midianite as a curse--but perhaps he, like Balaam, could have turned it into a blessing.
Responding to Thirst
Moses' frustration and fatigue were no excuse for his refusal to accept the people's cry for help.
Crises of Leadership
Are we more worried about our own egos than about the Jewish people as a whole?
Authority and Dissent
The Torah articulates norms about legitimate dissent and authority's reasonable response to it.
The Trumpet Blasts
The sound of the shofar can mobilize us and help us consider the path ahead.