Torah portion


Spirit Strength

Balak intuited an important truth about the Israelites: Their strength was spiritual, not military.

Jewish Texts: The Ultimate Self-Help Guide

Amidst seemingly mundane laws, valuable lessons emerge.

Sometimes There Are Second Chances

Of "Second Passover," Rabbi Akiva and adult bat mitzvahs.

Surrogate Judaism

Some try to "outsource" their Judaism, but this approach has severe limits.

Ki Tavo

Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8

Ki Tetze

Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19

The Chosen People

How does the concept of the uniqueness and choseness of the Jewish people inform our relationship with God and with non-Jews?

Judaism and the Human Body

The commandment to remove a corpse from the stake on which it is impaled teaches us the importance of respecting the holiness of the body.

Gentle Rebuke Can Lead To Return

Moses' sensitive rebuke of the Israelites teaches us that we can always return and renew our relationship with God and religion.

Finding Ourselves Through Others

What are the consequences, or even the possibility, of separating ourselves from our communities, like Korach did?
