yom kippur


Is Forgiveness Necessary?

Righting a wrong requires two parties.

The Jewish View of Sin

Each person has the inclination to do both good and bad.

Jonah: Success or Failure?

The story of Jonah teaches compassion by not following the prophet's example.

Averting the Severe Decree

The appearance of three word phrases in the Unetaneh Tokef prayer teaches that deeds must follow thought.

Fasting and Asceticism

What is prohibited on Yom Kippur?

Elevating Sin

Acknowledging sins allows for individual purification.

The Double Purpose of Yom Kippur

We must be cleansed from the polluting effects of sin.

Spiraling Towards Repentance

There are five factors in teshuvah (repentance), each of which can be a starting point for the entire process.

What is Sin?

A modern interpretation of sin and repentance.
