Exodus 13:17-17:16

Judges 4:4-5:31

In this Torah portion, God tells Moses to have the Israelites set up camp at the Sea of Reeds, but then Pharaoh changes his mind about freeing the Israelites and chases his former slaves. With the Egyptians on the Israelites’ tail, God splits the sea and Moses leads the Israelites through it. When the Egyptians enter, God closes the waters, and the Egyptians drown. Miriam leads all the Israelite women in song and dance to celebrate. Soon after, the Israelites begin to complain about life in the desert. God provides quail and manna to feed them. The Israelites battle the Amalekites and win.


Parashat Beshalach: Sustaining Creation Through Song

Why the creation of the Jewish nation in Parashat Beshalach was marked by singing praises to God.


More on this Torah Portion

Song(s) of the Sea

Miriam's instinctive song of praise tells us something important about calling out to God.

Children of Nachshon

Liberation comes only to the courageous.

Of Technology, Miracles and Radical Amazement

We must bring ourselves to awareness of the wonders of every moment.

The Test Of The Manna

The manna tested the character of the newly freed Israelites.

The Bones of the Ephraimites

A Midrash explains that the Israelites took an indirect route out of Egypt to avoid seeing the dead bodies of their brothers.

From Insecurity to Sovereignty

Like the manna in the desert, food aid policies often do not foster real freedom.

Where the Wood Meets Water

We can return on a path of responsible and sustainable stewardship.

Risky Travels

It is always a long road to the Promised Land.

Nothing Is Unchangeable

If a sea can split, anything is possible.

Torah Like Water

A creative interpretation yields a valuable lesson about the vital importance of Torah to the Jewish people.

Singing On The Way

Despite the fear and exhaustion of journeying from a dark, narrow place, we must remember to accompany our arrivals with song and joy.

What Are You Yelling At Me For?

Moses' challenge as a leader was to learn the difference between the Israelites' expressions of fear and rebellion.

When Miracles Are Not Enough

The transformation into a sacred people occurs not through miracles but rather through steady education, discipline and communal reinforcement.

Beyond Victors and Victims

The image of God as a nurturer, working with people to bring forth food, allows us to move beyond the violence of the Red Sea crossing.

God And The Angel: Leaders And Protectors

The images of the angel of God and the pillar of cloud accompanying the Israelites in the desert raise questions about effective leadership.

The Source Of Spirituality

The glorification of God in the Song at the Sea provides us with several models of attaining spirituality.

Manna for the Soul

Parashat Beshalach teaches that we all need reliable nourishment, for our bodies and our souls.

Parashat Beshalach: Their Past Is Always Present

Our loved ones may physically pass on, but like Joseph, their presence reverberates in us and in the generations to come.


Moses was a confident leader but a humble man.

What’s the Use of Complaining?

Even if hardship or illness has visited us or those we love, we can still be grateful for the many blessings we have.

The Faith To Go Forward

Beshalach: A resource for families.

Parashat Beshalach Quiz

Questions and answers about the Torah portion.

Haftarah for Beshalach

Deborah leads a nation in war and sings a victory song.

Parashat Beshalach: Summary

Moses leads the Israelites into the wilderness after their escape from Egypt. God sends manna to feed them and Amalek attacks the Israelites.
