Numbers 19:1 - 25:9

Micah 5:6 - 6:8

In this Torah portion, God instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the red heifer. Miriam, who is the sister of Moses and Aaron, dies. Moses hits a rock to bring forth water rather than speaking to it. At the end Chukat, Aaron dies.

In Balak, the king of Moab, asks Balaam to curse the Israelites after he sees them defeat various nations in battle. Balaam’s donkey sees an angel of God and refuses to move any further. Balaam hits the donkey. God speaks through the mouth of the donkey to tell him not to curse the Israelites. Instead of cursing the Israelites, Balaam blesses them.

The Lost Years

The meaning, relationships and transformations that individuals and a nation make in-between milestones.


More on this Torah Portion

The ‘Worst’ Torah Portion

Worlds are created -- and destroyed -- through words.

The Call of the Void

The famed red heifer is a key part of a biblical purification process. But why do we need laws to create a system of purity and impurity in the first place?

Remembering Miriam

A closer look at Moses's sister.

Distance and Proximity

The story of King Balak and Balaam demonstrates that truly seeing others is what allows fears to dispel.

Miriam: Water Under The Bridge?

Miriam's death should motivate us to recognize people today who provide nurture and support.

Open Your Eyes

The prophet Balaam's curse, which becomes a blessing, is a reflection of the relationship between God and the Israelites.

The Gift of Speech

What Balaam's donkey and under-represented minorities have in common.

No and Maybe

We cannot slip into loopholes and forego responsibility.

The Nature of Balaam’s Prophecy

How to learn from biblical nature imagery.

Balaam Versus Pinchas

Pinchas saw the relationship of an Israelite and a Midianite as a curse--but perhaps he, like Balaam, could have turned it into a blessing.

Responding to Thirst

Moses' frustration and fatigue were no excuse for his refusal to accept the people's cry for help.

Spirit Strength

Balak intuited an important truth about the Israelites: Their strength was spiritual, not military.

Highest Standards

Because of his position of leadership, Moses is judged extremely harshly when he sins.

Seeing Their Faces But Not Their Doors

The Israelites' dwellings in the wilderness provide us with a model for ensuring the existence and dignity of housing for all members of society.

Not Seeing Is The Sin

Like Balaam, we should open our eyes to seeing the problematic paths we take in life.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Miriam, whose death is recorded in Parashat Chukat, embodied the honor and glory of the women of Israel.

When To Talk And When To Act

Comparing Moses to Yiftah raises questions about when we should be people of speech and when we should be people of action.

Which Is Mightier: The Word Or The Sword?

Balaam's death by sword at the hands of the Israelites is ironic retribution for his verbal power over them.

Two Strikes And They’re Out?

Though we may challenge the severity of Moses' and Aaron's punishment, we affirm sacredness by trying to comprehend it.

No Rest(s) For The Wicked

Unlike Jewish prophets, Balaam was merely a mouthpiece for the word of God, not an active participant.

Tools of Justice

Our actions and our words must be in line with one another.

Water Consciousness

How to send environmental problems down the drain.

Preparing for an Unknown Future

The Torah law about the red heifer was given because it anticipated the temporal nature and limitation of what Miriam had to offer.

Instructed To Curse, Inspired To Bless

He came to curse, and ended up reciting a blessing so beautiful it is prominent in our liturgy.

The Waters of Lustration: Tears and Tzedakah

Jewish sources suggest tears and tzedakah [charity] as two modern replacements for the Red Heifer.

An Imperfect Hero

Moses' fatal flaw is his inability to wean his people from their dependence on him.

The Place From Which We Pray

Unlike Abraham, Bil'am failed to examine his own prayers and intentions, attributing their failure to his location of prayer.

Facing Longstanding Foes

Were the Canaanites the nation of Amalek?

Parashat Chukat-Balak: The Importance of Place

Talking about the death and burial of those who came before us can also make it a bit easier to talk about the mortality of those close to us.


Jealousy can paralyze us and force us to define ourselves by another person's successes.

Why Words Can Hurt

Just as words can push people apart, so too can they bring us closer.

Bullying and Name Calling

In his anger, Moses uses a destructive label for his people in public.

When We Lose Control

Chukat: A resource for families

Challah for Parashat Chukat

Slaughtering the red heifer.

Parashat Chukat Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Parashat Balak Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.


Numbers 22:2-25:9


Numbers 19:1-22:1
