Best of the Crockpot


Admittedly, I am not much of a crock pot user. The only time we break ours out is for cholent on Shabbat, but even that doesn’t happen so often. And yet we actually have not one but two crock pots!

There is something nice about throwing a grouping of ingredients into a pot, setting it on low or a timer, and coming home from work, (or from shul) to a delectable meal. In the spirit of ease, and the last of the Winter season, I’ve put together a few innovative and comforting crock pot dishes with the help of my friends and fellow foodies.

Thai BBQ Chicken is probably not something you would automatically think of for your crock pot cooking, but the Penny Pinching Epicure has an easy and tasty recipe

Parents Need to Eat Too has a fool-proof crock pot recipe for the perfect roast chicken – what a great way to prep a traditional

roast chicken, especially if you’re a busy working person like me!

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The Food Yenta has a slew of crock pot recipes just waiting to be tried, but the one that I liked the most is her (crock pot) osso bucco! Osso Bucco is a traditional Italian veal stew which my husband and I love to make, but can be time consuming and a bit of a process. What an impressive meal to serve your family for an average weeknight or Shabbat dinner!

And lastly, I have it on good authority that Smitten Kitchen’s Southwestern Pulled Brisket crock pot recipe is a must-try!

We’re always on the lookout for a good recipe, so send us your favorite crock pot recipes to add to our repertoire.


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