
Twitter Has a Lot of Thoughts About ‘St. Louis Style’ Sliced Bagels

"This is a violation of all that is good and holy in this world."


On March 25, a St. Louis man named Alek Krautmann innocently tweeted a picture of sliced bagels.

Kruatmann wrote, “Today I introduced my coworkers to the St Louis secret of ordering bagels bread sliced. It was a hit!”

He shared a photo:

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Twitter, subsequently, had a meltdown. It seems the unusual way of slicing beloved bagels is not quite “a hit” with the rest of the world. We’re rounding up our favorite tweets on the matter.

1. These bagels are a violation:

2. It’s a crime!

3. Deeply upsetting to the Jews. 

4. Eat it normally!!!

5. Olympic athlete Gus Kenworthy called it anti-Semitism:

6. LOL

7. An emergency.

8. Is St. Louis just weird? 

9. A Larry David gif always fits: 

10. …Are they even bagels, really?

11. A tragedy! 

(This one also notes the bagels are from Panera, which is owned by the German family that was just revealed to have Nazi ties. Cool.)

12. Will Jews ever be OK?

13. Bye, St. Louis!

But ultimately, we now have the best insult, courtesy of comedian Orli Matlow: “You’re the worst thing since sliced bagels.”


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