We’re Basically Getting Another Thanksgivukkah This Year

And we are very excited for menu planning.


Way back in 2013, American Jews got the ultimate holiday gift: the convergence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. Sweet potato kugel, cranberry filled sufganiyot, turkey-shaped challah and, of course, the menurkey (Turkey menorah) became delicious, beautiful expressions of our American-ness and Jewish-ness. We were able to gather with family and get double our return on that family time: We did two holidays in one.

This year, Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 25th and Hanukkah starts almost immediately after, on the evening of Sunday, November 28th. It’s not quite another Thanksgivukkah, but it’s close. Add the pandemic into the mix, and the fact that many families may not have taken the opportunity to gather together, and this year’s holiday weekend presents a very special chance to celebrate twice as hard.

Thanksgiving and Hanukkah are a holiday match made in heaven and we can’t wait. If you are as excited as we are, here’s a list of great recipes perfect for this year’s Thanksgiving-Hanukkah convergence. Start planning your menu!

Photo credit Shannon Sarna

Pumpkin Challah Rolls

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Cranberry Sauce Stuffed Challah

Turkey-Shaped Challah

Butternut Squash and Sage Challah

Libyan Pumpkin Dip

Turkey, Cranberry and Mashed Potato Knishes

Sweet Potato Latkes With Toasted Marshmallows

Cranberry Applesauce

Turkey Matzah Ball Soup

Sweet Potato and Pecan Kugel

Cakey Crunch Sweet Potato Kugel

Dairy-Free Chocolate Tahini Pie

Bourbon Pecan and Chocolate Gelt Pie


Keep on Noshing